Porsche cayenne 2006 reset service light

Porsche Cayenne Forum - Roadfly Car Forum. PORSCHE CAYENNE
Problem with 2005 Porsche Cayenne. 2005 cayenne, 3.2, service reset light. We are a garage but need to reset the service now light on the dashboard display, is there
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Porsche cayenne 2006 reset service light

Porsche cayenne 2006 reset service light
Porsche Cayenne Service Light Reset? - Page 2.Preisvergleich, der sich lohnt! Porsche Cayenne finden.
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I have a 2010 V6. I wish there is a way to reset the service light for those who DIY.
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Is going to the dealer the only way to reset the service light? Wonder how much they would charge just to reset it.
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